Price: $
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/ 14 ratings

Watching TV shows and movies on a mobile screen has never been easier

Netflix, Inc. |
updated on January 24, 2025
Download XAPK
45.3mb | free


Free to try out for a month
Watch any TV show or movie from a vast library in HD (or even Ultra HD)
The prices are well-balanced
The app is well-designed and simple to use
Download episodes or movies to watch later (with subtitles)
You can use different profiles on a single device to avoid the mix of different tastes


No option to change video quality while streaming
Price: $
The world went from large cinema screens to watching movies and TV shows on a small mobile screen; even though the video quality just keeps increasing. There are many sources and apps you can use to access such content on your mobile phone but one simply stands out!

The Netflix Android app is available for a free trial period. There are three plans to choose from: Basic (EUR7.99 or $8.99), Standard (EUR9.99 or $12.99), and Premium (EUR11.99 or $13.99). The main difference is the number of devices you can use at the same time (1, 2, and 4, respectively) and the availability of Ultra HD quality (available only in the Premium plan).

The app's design is clean and modern with a black background. There are five tabs to navigate to from the menu at the bottom. The Home tab is where you can discover new shows and movies to watch. The Search tab is used when you already know what you want to watch! It also displays movies similar to the one you searched for. The Coming Soon tab is used to see previews of the new movies or show episodes yet to be released. Monitor your downloads in the Downloads tab, or access app or account settings in the More tab.

Everything on Netflix can be downloaded to your device to watch later. You can choose to download in Standard or High quality. However, when streaming a show or a movie, you are unable to change the quality of the video as it adapts to your Internet connection. You can have multiple profiles on a single device so that you can watch and show interest in different shows.

Everything about the app works almost flawlessly. You have a free month to try out Netflix and you can cancel any time. However, using the app on up to four devices for $14 is a steal and it's definitely worth it.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

Additional info

Package name

Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


Total: 533
Last week: 2

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